*Deposits in a supported currency will be converted to USD using the prevailing exchange rate on xe.com
USDT 1,000.00, USDC 1,000.00, TUSD 1,000.00 DAI 1,000.00
*Deposits in USDT, USDC, TUSD or DAI will incur a network fee. Usually, this network fee is 20.00 USD. Please ensure you deposit enough to ensure the minimum deposit requirement is met.
$2,000,000 (USD)
*Deposits in a supported currency will be converted to USD using the prevailing exchange rate on xe.com
No limit
*Deposits in USDT, USDC or DAI will incur a network fee. Usually, this network fee is 20.00 USD. Please ensure you deposit enough to ensure the minimum deposit requirement is met.
*Withdrawals in a supported currency will be converted from USD using the prevailing exchange rate on xe.com
USDT 100.00, USDC 100.00, TUSD 100.00, DAI 100.00
*Withdrawals in USDT, USDC, TUSD or DAI will incur a network fee. Usually, this network fee is 20.00 USD. Please ensure you withdraw enough to ensure the minimum deposit requirement is met.
No limit
*Withdrawals in a supported currency will be converted from USD using the prevailing exchange rate on xe.com
No limit
*Deposits in USDT, USDC, TUSD or DAI will incur a network fee. Usually, this network fee is 20.00 USD. Please ensure you withdraw enough to ensure the minimum deposit requirement is met.