Exceptional annual returns at ultra-low risk.
Cryptoasset arbitrage is the process of buying a cryptoassets one exchange and then instantly transferring it to another exchange where it can be sold for a higher price, generating a profit. This is possible because cryptoassets trade at different prices across global exchanges. With Crypto Arbitrage, you’re not directly investing in the cryptoasset but rather capitalizing on inefficiencies that exist in the worldwide market.
To validate some examples of permanent arbitrage opportunities we exploit please refer to the below examples and make use of the XE.com currency conversion tool to convert live currency rates.
South Africa market <> US market
If you buy USDC on Circle US & Sell it on VALR SA there is an average profit of 1.44% to gain
Nigerian <> US market
If you buy USDT on FTX US & Sell it on Quidax NG there is an average profit of 34.28% to gain
South Korea <> EURO market
If you buy USDT on Korbit KR & Sell it on Kraken EU there is an average profit of 0.88% to gain
Crypto Arbitrage has many more consistent arbitrage markets and can profit from these price differentials weekly because we own numerous subsidiary companies across multiple geographic areas. Therefore, we can sell cryptoassets at higher premiums in certain countries and move the capital back to countries where we can buy the cryptoassets at a lower price again, allowing us to continually benefit from price differences.
Crypto Arbitrage has also developed an inter-exchange rate scanning tool that monitors the prices of digital assets across 25+ cryptoasset exchanges that we hold accounts at; this allows us to spot temporary price differentials and exploit them in real-time as and when they arise.
Crypto Arbitrage has achieved consistent average annual returns of 46.52%, regardless of whether the cryptoasset market is in a Bull or Bear market. As far as we know, this is one of the highest returns globally compared to the low level of inherent risk it poses to the trader.
Therefore, cryptoasset arbitrage is the ideal choice for clients with a conservative to moderate appetite for risk – in essence, a client who is looking to achieve high returns with little to no speculation on the price of underlying assets.
Crypto Arbitrage cannot guarantee future returns, as the arbitrage premiums often rise (and fall) in response to regulatory, market or socio-political forces. However, we constantly scan for new opportunities and what we have found is that there is always an arbitrage opportunity to be had.
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