Crypto Arbitrage helps you take advantage of the price differential in cryptoassets to generate returns regardless of the market's trading direction. With an average annual return of 46.52% over the last three years, we have demonstrated the ability to earn consistent returns with a low correlation to traditional assets and the broader crypto market.
Crypto Arbitrage exposes our clients to the benefits of the growing universe of cryptoassets while carefully managing and minimizing risk. We pursue the lowest risks and highest profit possible - and history has shown that the most effective trading technique to achieve this objective is arbitrage.
Arbitrage (in the cryptoasset sense) is the process of taking advantage of the inefficiencies of the crypto market while maintaining a low level of exposure to the performance of the underlying crypto assets.
Since our inception, we have generated stable and consistently positive returns even during periods of considerable market stress. We do this by deploying numerous arbitrage trading strategies, namely: 1) International / Spatial arbitrage, 2) Exchange arbitrage, 3) Spot-futures arbitrage
The crypto market is still very new and is currently experiencing a period of massive development and expansion. We have found that this growth results in consistent volatility, the emergence of new exchanges, and various old and new players participating within the crypto space. In this tumultuous market, mispricing is commonplace, creating arbitrage opportunities for those positioned to take advantage of the inefficiencies - which we are.
Crypto Arbitrage takes advantage of these opportunities because we have the extensive operational ability to exploit these price differentials across the globe. Therefore, we can provide exceptional returns without the relentless volatility synonymous with the cryptoasset market.
What are the joining requirements?
The great thing about working with Crypto Arbitrage is that no prior trading experience is required. Our team and proprietary software handle all the arbitrage trading on your behalf. After every trade, you will receive an email notification showing the cryptoasset traded, the percentage growth achieved, the fee paid to Crypto Arbitrage and most importantly, your final profit. Moreover, you can log in to your account at any time to manage your capital (deposit/withdrawal) and view all your previous transaction history. To get started all you need is to sign up and perform our account opening application, a three-part application that provides us with the necessary information to stay in line with Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) regulations in the countries and jurisdictions in which we operate.
What's our Mission?
To utilize the opportunity of market arbitrage to deliver the highest annualized profit to our clients at the lowest possible risk.
What's our Vision?
Unlock steady and consistent returns far above the market average to enable our clients to build their wealth at an unprecedented speed.
What are our values?
- To constantly listen, care, and improve by following our client feedback.
- To prioritize the highest principles of personal integrity and embrace industry best practices within our office to ensure our client's hard-earned capital is safe and in good hands at all times.
- To hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards but put our clients, our staff and our provider's needs far above those of the Crypto Arbitrage management team.
- To continue innovating and building highly advanced cryptoasset arbitrage identification and exploitation software to enjoy continuous returns as the cryptoasset market matures.
- To continue providing professional, intelligent, intuitive and innovative solutions for our clients to enter and access the world of cryptoasset arbitrage.
We're a team of pioneering individuals.
We bring in the best talents from the foreign exchange and investment banking industries. Our team consists of industry-leading technology developers and financial and consumer technology experts with significant experience innovating within the existing and emerging frameworks of finance.
Some of the advantages of using Crypto Arbitrage:
- Participate in the growing crypto opportunity without being exposed to the volatility of the underlying crypto assets
- Stable and consistent returns even during periods of market volatility
- Low correlation to traditional assets and the broader crypto market
- An average annual return of 46.42% since inception
- Extensive risk mitigation to remove counterparty and exchange risk
- Open an account: Sign up
- Access your account: Sign in
- Speak to an agent: Submit an instruction